Idola Kita

Jumat, 25 September 2009

Makna Silaturahmi

Oleh Buya Yahya

Semarak hari raya idul fitri kita saksikan. Tradisi mudik, saling berziarah dan halal bihalal mewarnai suasana idul fitri di negri tercinta ini, tentu menelan biaya yang amat besar. Ada yang mereka cari, akan tetapi tidak semua dari mereka menemukan apa yang mereka cari. Ada yang mereka rindukan, akan tetapi tidak semua dari mereka menemukan yang mereka rindukan. Mereka mencari cinta disla-sela kesibukannya. Mereka merindukan cinta ditengah-tengah kekerasan dan kebejatan sebagian bangsa manusia. Mereka tidak butuh gebyar lahir, marak hari raya dan bebagai tradisi yang yang tidak menghadirkan makna cinta. Ada yang perlu dicermati apa yang menjadikan cinta tidak kunjung terwujud dalam kebersamaan bangsa ini, kendati aktivitas lahir penyambung hati sudah dilaksanakan. Cinta tersembunyi dibalik tabir kedengkian, kesombongan, dan kerakusan yang tak terkendalikan, maka sesemarak apapun gebyar silaturahmi lahir kita adakan, jika tabir-tabir tersebut tidak disingkap dan disingkirkan sungguh sinar cinta tidak kunjung memancar di hati kita.
Silaturahmi adalah kalimat yang sering kita dengar, khususnya adalah disaat kita memasuki bulan fitri, dihari raya idul fitri. Sehingga apa yang kita dengar dengan arus mudik, berbondong-bondongnya orang pindah dari satu tempat ketempat lain, berziarah kesana-kemari adalah dalam irama mewujudkan makna silaturahmi ini. Akan tetapi amal perbuatan seperti apapun besarnya, jika tidak dibarengi dengan renungan dan niat yang baik, maka semuanya akan sia-sia. Untuk melengkapi apa yang pernah kita lakukan dari tradisi yang mulia ini, yaitu silaturahmi, maka perlu dikukuhkan makna bahwa silaturahmi itu adalah menghadirkan makna kerinduan saling cinta diantara sesama manusia, yang tidak cukup hanya dengan sekedar basa-basi. Akan tetapi jika silaturahmi kita ini hanya terbatas kepada basa-basi dhahir, hanya saling mengunjungi dan lain sebagainya, maka sesungguhnya belumlah ia sampai kepada silaturahmi yang sesungguhnya. Dan silaturahmi itu adalah hal yang mendekatkan hati seseorang kepada orang lain, mendekatkan antara orang yang saling bermusuhan menjadi orang yang saling mencintai, orang yang dendam menjadi orang yang saling merelakan, dengan silaturahmi! Dan dengan silaturahmi itu banyak hal yang harus dihadirkan, yaitu berangkat dari tidak cinta menjadi harus saling mencintai, maka silaturahmi yang benar adalah jika memang telah menumbuhkan rasa cinta diantara sesama. Sehingga hal yang demikian itu tidak cukup hanya dengan basa-basi harus dibarengi dengan renungan yang sesungguhnya. Pertemuan itu bukan jaminan bersambungnya hati akan tetapi ternyata silaturahmi yang sesungguhnya adalah seperti yang pernah disabdakan oleh Nabi Rasulullah SAW, bahwasanya agar mendapatkan derajat yang besar di hadapan Allah SWT, seperti yang disabdakan Nabi… Bahwasanya Nabi Muhammad bersabda, "Demi Allah kau tidak akan masuk surga kecuali engkau sudah beriman dan tidak akan iman sesungguhnya diantara kamu sehingga kamu itu saling mencintai." Dan saling mencintai itulah yang mengantarkan keindahan dihadapan Allah SWT, bukan ziarahnya saja, akan tetapi ziarah sarana prasarana menuju cinta. Yang sering ziarah kesana kemari jika tidak menghadirkan makna cinta adalah omong kosong, maka yang harus kita tekankan saat ini adalah ziarah yang kita lakukan secara dhahir harus ada buahnya, yaitu cinta. Dan cinta ini mempunyai tanda, diantaranya kita berjuang untuk teman kita, kita rela memaafkan kesalahannya. Ini adalah makna yang hadir setelah ada makna cinta di dalam hati.
Betapa pentingnya rasa kecintaan itu sehingga Allah SWT menciptakan kecintaan diantara kita. Sungguh dua orang sahabat saling berziarah, dua-duanya adalah orang yang berhianat jika ternyata tidak ada cinta di dalam hatinya. Dan untuk menumbuhkan rasa cinta ini adalah disamping kita berziarah secara dhahir, maka mari kita berziarah secara bathin. Ini yang sering dilupakan. Ziarah secara bathin ini lebih penting daripada ziarah secara dhahir. Ziarah secara bathin ini adalah saling mendoakan, mendo'akan kepada sesama kita di saat sesama kita itu tidak ada dihadapan kita. Mendo'akan kepada sesama kita dengan do'a-do'a yang baik biarpun saudara memusuhi kita, justru hakikat silaturahmi itu adalah disaat kita menyambung tali persaudaraan yang diputus oleh saudara kita. Seperti yang disabdakan Nabi, "Bukanlah menyambung persaudaraan itu adalah membalas kebaikan seseorang, akan tetapi yang dimaksud menyambung silaturahmi itu adalah jika hubungannya diputus ia memulai, jika dia didhalimi dia yang sabar memohon maaf, dia dianiaya dia yang datang duluan." Ini adalah makna silaturahmi, maka dari itu marilah kita hadirkan makna do'a, do'a yang sesungguhnya dengan tulus kepada Allah SWT, kepada orang yang kita cintai dan orang yang membenci sekalipun, orang yang mendengki sekalipun kita do'akan! Dengan do'a-do'a yang baik, dengan harapan bersih hati kita dan memang tujuan silaturahmi itu baru akan terwujud secara benar jika dihati kita sudah tidak ada dendam dan tidak ada dengki kepada orang tersebut. Biarpun kita ziarah seribukali dalam sehari akan tetapi jika dihati kita ada dengki tidaklah ada manfaatnya. Amin

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Rabu, 16 September 2009

Tausyiah in Almunawar Grand Mosque, 17th MARCH 2008

All praise to Allah S.W.T Almighty, The Supreme Being of this earth and sky. The God Almighty Who has power over the whole world, lucky to the soul who understands the grandeur of dzikrullah, the more he mentions Allah’s name, the higher his rank will be raised, one time he calls Allah’s name, (hence) he is one step closer towards Allah.
Ladies and gentlemen, has been written in the tsiqoh story (resolute story), when two men’s good deeds were calculated in the presence of Allah, kboth had the same amount of good deeds, but one of them has more “subhanallah”from his friend, both came to heaven, but their position is quite different from one another, just like the sky and earth, the difference of saying one word ‘Allah’, the name of Allah, simply one time articulating such word will still be written as a good deed, makes a difference on their heavens, just like the earth and the sky, why? Because of the greatness of Allah’s name, because of the dignity of Allah’s name, because of sparkle of Allah’s name in your soul, in which will uplift everything inside your soul, energize you to be more obedient, to leave all sins, denials, and the more you recall Allah, the farther you are from denials, the more you mention His name, the closer you will be with Him. Who wants to be closer to Allah? The older we are, the faster we disappear from this earth, those who want to be closer to Allah, days and nights they pass, they forget that the Closest One stays waiting to raise their level to be even closer. Each and every day they pass by the same way, without knowing that all part of their body know the greatness of Allah, all cells in their body belong to Allah, every single dust in this whole world belongs to Allah, under Allah’s power, under the Rules of Allah, The Almighty, Allah’s certainty, within each cell of our body there is a light of Allah’s name, if only these hands could talk, they would admit that they glorify Allah, keep the cells of our body away from the traps of disgrace being hated by Allah. Audience, light up the whole cells of your body with the light of His blessings, and resurrect the messenger of rahmatan lil’alamin sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W wa barak’alaih. His guidance will keep us towards the direction of Allah, closer, more beautiful, more dignified, to get farther from sins and hell and to get closer towards the blessing and heaven of Allah.
And we arrive tonight, towards one of the Prophet’s guidance, the recipe from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W wabarak’alaih: “Man tashobbaha kulla yaumin sab’a tsamarootin ‘ajwatan” Whoever eats seven ajwah dates in the morning” lam yadhurrohu fi dzalikalyaumi summun wa laa sihrun” On that day, he will not be harmed by poison and magic.”
Seven ajwah dates, not regular dates, but ajwah, what is ajwah date? Dates that were planted directly by the hands of Rasulullah S.A.W himself, planted in Madinatul Munawarah by the hands of the Prophet, and have grown into 100 date trees that were planted by the hands of the Prophet, seed by seed. Until today, these dates can still be found in the market, the shape is small but not appealing at all, but these dates bring blessing, and can neutralize poison and magic. When it comes to dealing with poison, perhaps ajwah date has its own elements that create such a serum within our body, but what about magic? Isn’t it from a mysterious world? this shows the direct blessing from Robbul’alamin for the dates planted directly by the hands of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, so that magic and poison could not harm a person on the day he eats it. Seven ajwah dates in the morning will protect him rom magic and poison, it shows how great the blessing of sunnah Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is, how amazing it is that a tree being planted directly by the hands of Rasulullah for 14 centuries keeps on growing and giving blessing and prosperity, continues to get rid of all magic and poison in the body of a person who eats it, this is indeed the dates planted by the hands of the Prophet. Even more if it is your soul who loves sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, the blessing is eternal, not only magic and poison, the blessing is forever, that it will not only destroy poison and magic, but also sins, humility, disaster and many other bad things, will disappear and will be replaced by the eternal happiness.
Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W wabarak’alaih, the commander-in-chief who inherited the greatest power from Allah S.W.T, the most powerful man amongst all the creatures of Allah, the biggest power in this whole world is within Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, why? Because he is close to the Most Powerful, the closer someone to the Most Powerful, the stronger he will be, it’s proved, in so many shahih story and tsiqoh (comprehensible history), how Allah made this whole earth was bowed towards Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, in such a way Allah never did to any other servants of His, this whole world is entirely conquered by our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, the greatest commander from all creatures of Allah S.W.T on earth. When Allah shows the glory to the Prophet on the day of his birth, so that the stars get closer, as written in the story fathul baari in shohih bukhori, on the night of the birth of Rasulullah S.A.W, Halimatussa’diah r.a heard the stones, animals and trees said greetings towards the baby, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Those animals and trees recognized, that this is the leader of all Prophets even before he himself introduced as Rasulullah S.A.W, all those things including trees already knew him, Allah has introduced them, this is the last Prophet until the end of time.
And as written in shirah Ibnu Hisyam, when Rasul S.A.W was trading together with his uncle Abu Thalib, he was sitting under the shade of a tree, not having enough space to get the shelter under a big tree because it’s crowded with people, thus the tree bowed down to give shade and shelter to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, that tree understood who was sitting under it, although he was yet to be promoted as a Prophet, not yet 40 years old, but he has been a Prophet in a mysterious world, and has yet to be proclaimed in the real world, but the whole world has known that this is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, the tree has known it, the stones have understood, even the sky has known. That is, my beloved audiences, the great commander, when he called the moon, the moon obeyed and rolled down the sky to answer the call from Rasulullah S.A.W, the moon was ordered to come, (hence) it came, the moon was ordered to split into two, (hence) it was divided,” Iktaroba bisaa’ah wa naqoddal qomar” has been close the day of the resurrection and the moon is split into two, has proved the high level of the Prophet S.A.W, and there are so many examples given by Allah S.W.T on how this Rasul S.A.W was obeyed and followed by the whole world and being glorified, being loved and longed for, even the mountain love Prophet Muhammad, as written in Shohih Bukhori, he said: “Hadza uhud jabalun yuhibbuna wa nuhibbuk” this uhud mountain is the mount that loves me, and I also love uhud” It’s such a great thing, that Mount Uhud loves Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, and it’s weird if his followers don’t like to see someone loves Rasul S.A.W.
The most noble personality comes from the natural ability of Rasulullah SAW, he has the best manners towards all groups of people, teaching them all morals, as written in Shohih Bukhori, his manner towards a maid or servant, there are moral lessons from the Prophet, Rasul S.A.W commanded: “If your servant comes carrying food, let her sit together with you to eat, if not, bring one or two handfuls of the food or one or two spoons for her; Fainnahu wa hiya harrohu, because she cooks the food, hence she has the right to eat that food.” This is the beauty of morals of Prophet MuhammadS.A.W. Al-Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asgholani in his book Fathulbaari bi syarah Shohih Bukhori, explains this matter, sunnah to give food to those who serve us, if there is only little food, then with”luqmah” although the food is little, it is sunnah to give her or even spoon-feed her, at least we follow the sunnah of our Prophet. This manner is followed by the shahabah (comrades of Prophet), if the food is little, only one or two spoons are given to the person who carries the food. Even the manner towards maid is taught by Rasulullah S.A.W.
And he has a manner that he would never want to hurt anybody’s feeling, as written in Shohih Bukhori, when Prophet S.A.W came to a house of a poor slave, her name was Barirah r.a, Rasul came to her house and he was served one bowl of porridge mixed with meat. Obviously other comrades who saw this, a poor slave has meat porridge,syurbah lahmiyah, this was not a regular meal for slave, hence one of the comrades said; this is shodaqoh (alms) food, O’ Rasulullah! What’s the meaning? Yes he might be right that the food was shodaqoh food, but this is going to hurt Barirah’s feeling if Rasul didn’t want to come. Barirah happily wished who knows someone would give her delicious food and this is for the Prophet, hence she opened the cover, but heard the comment; this is shodaqoh food O’ Rasulullah. Rasul didn’t want to hurt Barirah’s feeling and quickly ibrah (ibrah=explanation/saying) the Prophet replied: "hadza shodaqoh li barirah laa lana", it is true a shodaqoh (alms food for Barirah but not for us; why? This food was given to Barirah as alms, already belonged to her, and she served this to us, and it has no longer become shodaqoh food anymore, my brother. Rasul gave this explanation not to hurt the feeling of Barirah r.a who was disappointed with such comment, that she came happily carrying the food which perhaps even Barirah never had a chance to taste such meat porridge in her life time, this food was a very expensive meal for a slave like Barirah, and she served it to Rasul, but being underestimated by someone who didn’t mean to hurt her, with the comment; this belongs to shodaqoh food O’ Rasul, you are not allowed to eat shodaqoh food, Rasulullah? It’s hurting Barirah’s feeling, that Rasulullah couldn’t eat this food, because it’s shodaqoh food,. It’s true that Rasul would not eat shodaqoh foods, but there was ibrah (ibrah=explanation/words) from the sharpness of The Prophet’s thoughts, when quickly replied; this is shodaqoh food for Barirah, but for us it’s not shodaqoh food, hence Rasul took it and ate it. This incident again shows how great the moral of the Prophet is, in dealing with everybody’s feeling. Not long after Rasul said to Aisyah; O’ Aisyah when will you release this Barirah from her master? Just buy her with her price and release her! Aisyah replied; true O’ Rasulullah, I already collected and saved some to buy Barirah, to make her free. This proves how Prophet loves the fuqoro (poor people) and slaves and servants, with such great respect not to disappoint anybody.
Audiences, such thing seems unimportant, but if you follow it, you will definitely be loved by other people. This is the blessing of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, those who regularly perform sunnah, moreover His manners, will be certainly loved by other people, because such morals would not be found in any other creatures of Allah but Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, from the little ajwah dates, all the dzikir (religious recitation) that guides you towards nobility, erasing sadness, anger, all have been taught by Rasul, to be protected from magic and poison there is a remedy, to be protected from sadness and troubles there is a do’a, tarbiyah, sayyidul murobbi, the leader of all gurus and the guide towards all nobility, lucky to those who follow Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W wa barak’alaih.
Beloved audiences being glorified by Allah.
As written in Shohih Bukhori, that Rasul S.A.W commanded: “Whoever eats garlic or onion, don’t get closer to us and don’t enter our mosques,” because at that time, people ate onion and garlic just like that, instead of making it spice for food like what we have nowadays, in the old era, garlic and onion were eaten just like bread, with such a bad odor, that would definitely disturb people around him, so smelly that Prophet commanded; whoever eats garlic or onion, meaning chew and swallow them that would disturb people around him due to the bad odor from his mouth and sweat, Prophet ordered: don’t get close to our mosques, don’t sit together with us, hence the comrades asked; O’ Rasulullah hadza haram? Is this food haram (not allowed)? Rasul said; hadza halal, (it is allowed) but those who eat it don’t get close to the groups of Moslems. Thus the Prophet tried to protect the best he could, in order not to disturb others; this is the greatness of the morals of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Because people in the mosques who were reciting dzikir or praying solemnly, would be disturbed by the bad aroma of those who eat garlic or onion. But this is not going to occur in our place now, because garlic and onions are part of spice only, which is different from what people took in the old days. Once the comrades complained because at that time there were no other foods during maja’ah and hunger, they could only find onion and garlic, hence Rasul allowed it, but they are not allowed to enter mosques. This shows how respectful the Prophet is towards mosques, the respect and worshipful of the Prophet towards baitullah (the house of Allah), the respect of the Prophet towards those who attend the houses of Allah S.W.T, that’s the story, ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah.
Rasul S.A.W (in) 14 centuries ago has finished all his risalah (lessons), and Prophet S.A.W leaves all his guidance and sunnah to be followed from time to time, 14 centuries are not a short period of time, but Allah S.W.T still enliven the souls of his servants to continue follow him. And we witnees the Robi’ul awal this year which is even more greater than the early year’s robi’ul awal celebration, and early year’s Robi’ul was greater than the year before, this shows the power of Allah’s will, to continue improve and fix the condition of Moslem people, let’s welcome the coming month of Robi’ul awal with our spirit resurrection.
Audiences, I will not say too much due to the time constraint, let’s recite silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah make this Robi’ul awal celebration a great success, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal Ikrom, make this Robi’ul awal the resurrection of Moslem people, make this Robi’ul awal the triumph of Rasulullah S.A.W, especially on the land of Jakarta, Robbi we have never seen such great Robi’ul awal like this year, hence Robbi kindly assure that after this Robi’ul awal, the waves of blessing will continue sweep the whole Jakarta and its surroundings, Robbi we have never seen young men and women stand up to love your Prophet as great as this year, hence kindly make this year the glorifying year for all followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s take part in fighting for dakwah, join in striving for the people’s resurrection, join with all your heart, body and soul, and we perform silent prayer towards Allah, to support the resurrection of Moslem people in the world, fa quuluu Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, ladies and gentlemen, remember that each time you mention His name, you are getting closer towards His presence, raise your rank higher than before, like the sky and earth, hence call His name with all glorification, call His name with all worship, this is the greatest light from the whole world, that makes this earth solid, and The God Almighty towards every single grain in this whole world, fa quuluu Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal Ikrom.
Ladies and gentlemen, the next Thursday with tabliq akbar, we wish that Allah will gather more than 100 thousand Moslems, I invite the whole TV stations, and all leaders from political parties, why? I need to clarify this, when some might ask; do you want to show off by inviting many TV stations? My answer is; these TV programs have been poisoned by many sinful things, every time I talk to some people from few private TV stations, all of you ruin the morals, you are responsible for the destroyed morals all over Indonesia, their answers were very short; Habib, we only follow the people’s taste, if the audience want the Islamic programs like in the month of Ramadhan, we have 90% of Islamic programs played on TV, no private body parts revealed, because people requested it, but on other months, the people would request something else, we simply follow them. Most of those TV stations don’t know, that there are many young men and women started to resurrect and love Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, and these 100 thousands Moslem people attending the event will surprise them, and make them realize, that there are many people love Rasul. Hence the TV program would also change, because they know, this kind of event is loved and idolized, the recent religious programs have been much loved by the young people, not only singers or actresses are idolized by the young people, but now Rasulullah S.A.W has been idolized by the youth. This will make TV stations change their programs, little by little, because they have witnessed such a great number of people attend the majelis, this is what I meant by inviting all those TV stations to cover the event, to make them witness, those who idolize the Prophet are more than those who attend the rocker’s performance on stage. The news will shake the whole Jakarta, that the stage of Rasulullah is even greater, attended by more than 100 thousand Moslems, so that they will never say that this or that rocker has shaken Jakarta again, but Rasulullah S.A.W and the mauled has shaken Jakarta, this is what we are aiming for, so that they will show it throughout Indonesia, the others will follow, because of your presence and your spirit, taking your whole friends and relatives, this what will happen, re-organize the whole Indonesia by tidying up TV programs, we will influence them, this is the whole point of I’m inviting all TV stations,
The second is to invite all the leaders of political parties, what for? To make them witness, that in the 2009 general election later, we will inform them, no need to have any campaigns with silly music programs, with any sinful actions, with mixing the great number of audience that would eventually destroy public places, make their campaign useful for people, for example by fixing the road or public places, sympathizing towards orphans, which carry obvious benefits in the long run, not the temporary benefits, not even becoming the leader yet has already destroyed the moral of people, what if he becomes the elected leader? This is what we want to convey, they witness, the attend, and then we will give them critical remarks there, be careful all the parties, don’t start destroying people, that’s what we want, inviting all leaders of political parties, because they represent the whole citizens of Indonesia.
There, ladies and gentlemen, we perform (munajat) silent prayer towards Allah in order to make this event a success, to make Allah S.W.T give us support to make the day clear without rain, to make the weather’s friendly, and Allah invites many souls to gather and attend this gathering on 12th Robi’ul awal, to make this the greatest and the biggest event in Jakarta this year. Amin Allahumma amin. Support it, ladies and gentlemen, the words of your Prophet Muhammad Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah Ya Allahu Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal Ikrom. Ladies and gentlemen, all these nights, carry on with your silent prayers to make this event successful, continue your prayers, and continue, and carry on, so that Allah will witness you as one of those who defend the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, defend the resurrection of sunnah Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W wa barak’alaih wa ‘ala aalih.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 24 December 2008 )

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Tausyiah in Almunawar Grand Mosque

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